Future of Business Learning

5 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Onboarding Process

In our previous article, we talked about what virtual onboarding is, how it works, and why it’s important. We even shared a teaser on how you can instantly improve your virtual onboarding process.

If you’ve been waiting patiently for those tips, today’s your day.

5 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Onboarding Process

1. Overprepare for your new employee   

Make the virtual onboarding process as smooth as possible for your new employee by getting everything prepared.

Have a detailed schedule for new employees’ first week in the company, create automated messages to send your team announcements on your new hire, and ensure your new employees have all the necessary technological devices and tools they will need.

If they’ll be using a company laptop, courier it to them so they receive it ahead of time.

2. Emphasise the importance of a designated mentor

Mentors are important in all stages of life, particularly in work. Having a workplace mentor will give new employees encouragement, extra focus, valuable feedback, inside tips, as well as a faster and smoother onboarding process.

HCI research shows 87 per cent of organisations say assigning a new employee to a buddy is an effective way to speed up their proficiency.

Joining a new organisation can be daunting because of the new information and faces new employees need to familiarise themselves with. Mentors can help them by meeting for virtual lunches, guiding them, and helping to assimilate them into the workplace.

3. Document everything

It’s helpful to keep documentation of everything to ensure your new hire is aware of everything important, be it HR, job-specific processes, or workplace procedures.

Quick tip: Create a checklist for new employees so they can easily keep track and check off required information, meetings, and procedures they need to know, do, or attend.

Checklists are also a great way for mentors to keep tabs on the onboarding process.

4. Communication is key

Miscommunications, lapses of information, and unnecessary delays can be easily avoided with good communication.

Introduce new employees to the company over formal virtual lunches or official quarterly town halls so the team can get familiar with each other.

5. Highlight company culture and values

According to a survey of over 3000 U.S. professionals, employees aren't too interested in cool offices or outrageous perks. Instead, they’re more concerned about core benefits like medical coverage and paid leave.

The biggest takeaway from their research? 70 per cent of professionals will not stick around in a company that has a bad workplace culture.

To employees, good workplace culture is made up of a strong sense of belonging, regular recognition, gratitude, openness, encouragement, enjoyable teammates, and freedom to be themselves.

You can encourage such practices by introducing the company culture and values early on in the virtual onboarding process.

In Conclusion

Now that you know why you should use virtual onboarding bots and what you need them to do, you can take advantage of Noodle Factory’s current promotion for Virtual Onboarding Bots here.

Not only will you receive your Virtual Onboarding Bot on the day you sign up with us, but it'll also optimise your virtual onboarding process and be customised to your organisation's needs.

For more tips on virtual onboarding, you can follow Noodle Factory on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter!


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