We recently talked about flipped classrooms, which refers to changing the classroom setting from an instruction-based learning environment to one that’s discussion-based.
Today, we’ll be exploring flipped learning. Although the two sound similar, there are some key differences that you should know.
Flipped learning is a shift in the learning experience that allows teachers to reach every student.
Flipped learning moves direct instruction from a group learning setting to an individual learning setting.
This makes the group learning space more dynamic and interactive as teachers are able to guide and engage students instead of just giving instructions.
While a flipped classroom does change the learning environment, flipping a class does not always lead to flipped learning.
In order to fully incorporate flipped learning, educators need to use the four pillars (F-L-I-P) and a checklist with 11 indicators that establish the flipped learning pedagogy.
But when you combine flipped learning and flipped classroom, you get the ultimate learner-centred experience.
Reports by Brookings found that:
Although flipped learning is effective across most disciplines such as business and science modules, it produces the greatest academic, intra-, and interpersonal benefits when used in language, technology, and health science courses.
It can be extremely beneficial for skill-based courses as class time will be dedicated to practising and mastering skills, rather than simply teaching and instructing.
It sounds great and you’re ready to start, but changing your pedagogy can be difficult and time-consuming.
This is especially true for flipped learning because teachers will have to commit an abundance of time and effort in order to create the necessary digital content needed for flipped learning.
With the pandemic, many teachers have taken the leap of faith and found their own ways of teaching. Many of which have recorded lectures and created their own digital library for supplementary content.
Teachers with digital content can experiment with flipped learning to see how it works for students.
If you’re ready to convert your learning experience to flipped learning, you can learn how to design an effective flipped course using AI with Noodle Factory.