AI Insights

Generative AI in Education: Your Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Have you ever wondered how generative AI can be used in education? Or what skills are needed to incorporate them into your curriculum? In this FAQ blog post, we're answering 10 of our frequently asked questions and providing you with a comprehensive guide to using generative AI in education.


1. What is generative AI and how can it enhance education?

Generative AI refers to algorithms that can create new data, such as text, images, or music. Educators can use generative AI to develop hands-on learning experiences promoting programming, creativity, and problem-solving skills in education.

Related: GPT-4 for Teachers: Everything You Need to Know to Stay Ahead of the Curve 

2. What are the advantages of using generative AI in education?

Generative AI can offer numerous benefits to both students and teachers, enhancing the learning experience and improving outcomes.

Personalised Learning

Generative AI can help students gain a deeper understanding and context of the subjects taught in school by providing personalised learning experiences that adapt to individual student's needs. This can result in more effective learning outcomes and can help students to reach their full potential.

Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking

Generative AI can foster creativity and critical thinking skills by enabling students to create generative art, music, and other forms of media. This can allow them to explore and experiment with new technologies and develop essential 21st-century skills that will be valuable in future careers.

Promoting Innovation

Generative AI can promote innovation and prepare students for the future workforce. As generative AI becomes increasingly prevalent across industries, students who have experience working with these technologies will have an advantage in the job market. This can lead to a more skilled and innovative workforce that is better equipped to meet the challenges of the future.

Saving Time and Effort

Finally, generative AI can save teachers time and effort by automating repetitive tasks such as grading and generating lesson materials. This can allow teachers to focus on more meaningful interactions with students and providing personalised feedback. It can also help to reduce teacher burnout and improve job satisfaction, resulting in a more positive learning environment for everyone.

3. How can generative AI be utilised to improve teaching?

AI tools make great co-pilots for teachers, enhancing their teaching methods and improving learning outcomes for students.

Automating Administrative Tasks

Generative AI can help teachers save time by automating administrative tasks such as grading and generating lesson materials. This can allow teachers to focus on providing personalised feedback to students, which is essential for their growth and development.

Summarising Complex Information

Generative AI can assist in summarising complex information from textbooks, making it easier for teachers to explain difficult concepts to students. This can help students to better understand the material and improve their overall learning outcomes.

Providing Instant Feedback

One of the most significant benefits of generative AI is its ability to simulate conversations and provide instant feedback that engages students in active learning and enables them to develop critical thinking skills. Additionally, generative AI can serve as a virtual teaching assistant, providing individualised feedback to students and helping teachers to identify areas where additional support is needed.

Improving Accessibility

Generative AI can help teachers to overcome language barriers and improve accessibility for students with different linguistic backgrounds. It can translate documents and lessons into different languages, making learning materials more inclusive and accessible to students. This can help students to feel more included and engaged in the classroom, which can lead to better learning outcomes.

4. What skills do teachers need to use generative AI in education?

Integrating generative AI into education can be a valuable addition to a teacher's toolkit. While generative AI tools like Walter are user-friendly and require no coding knowledge, teachers still need a range of skills to effectively use these tools in the classroom.

Curriculum and Learning Objectives

Firstly, teachers should have a strong understanding of the curriculum and the learning objectives they want to achieve with generative AI. This involves identifying the appropriate tools and techniques to support students' learning and designing effective learning experiences using generative AI.

Critical Thinking Skills

Secondly, teachers should possess critical thinking skills to evaluate the accuracy and relevance of generative AI-generated content. They should be able to identify potential biases in the data and algorithms used and help students develop a healthy skepticism towards generative AI-generated content.

Communication Skills

Finally, teachers should have good communication skills to effectively explain the use of generative AI to students and parents. They should be able to articulate the benefits and limitations of generative AI and help students understand how it can enhance their learning experience.

5. How can generative AI be integrated into the curriculum?

Incorporate generative AI software as a tool

Integrating generative AI into the curriculum can be an effective way to enhance student learning. One approach is to incorporate generative AI software as a tool for students to work on topics required of them during home-based or self-directed learning. This enables students to immerse themselves in a learning platform that can improve their understanding and progress.

Engage students in generative AI projects

Another approach is to have students engage in various generative AI projects, such as creating generative art, music, or chatbots. These projects can help students develop essential skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking. For more advanced projects, students can learn how to generate realistic images or develop language translation models.

6. What are some examples of generative AI projects for students?

Here are five examples of generative AI projects for students:

  1. Generative art: Students can use generative AI tools to create unique pieces of art. These tools can generate patterns, shapes, and colors based on input from the student, resulting in one-of-a-kind artwork.

  2. Music generation: Generative AI can be used to create new pieces of music, providing a creative outlet for students interested in music production. Students can experiment with different inputs and parameters to generate unique melodies and rhythms.

  3. Chatbot creation: Students can create chatbots using generative AI to simulate human conversation. This project can help students develop their coding and programming skills while also exploring the possibilities of natural language processing.

  4. Language translation: Students can use generative AI tools to develop language translation models. By training these models on bilingual texts, students can create tools that can automatically translate text from one language to another.

  5. Storytelling: Generative AI can be used to generate story prompts, helping students develop their creative writing skills. Students can use the prompts to write their own stories, or they can use generative AI tools to help generate new story ideas.

These projects can provide valuable learning experiences for students, helping them develop essential skills like creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

7. Are there any potential drawbacks or limitations to using generative AI in education?

While generative AI has many benefits for education, there are potential drawbacks and limitations that need to be addressed to ensure responsible use in the classroom.

Privacy and data security

These concerns arise when using generative AI tools that collect and store student data. Educators need to carefully select tools that comply with privacy laws and regulations and ensure that students' data is kept secure.

Misuse of generated content

While generative AI can automate tasks such as writing essays or generating reports, it is important for educators to teach students how to properly use and cite sources to avoid plagiarism and intellectual property issues.

The big issue of false information and hallucinations generated by AI.

Educators need to be aware of this and discuss it with their students, encouraging them to be critical of the generated content and ensuring that it is factually correct and relevant to their learning objectives.

8. How can student learning be assessed using generative AI?

Automated marking

AI-based assessment tools can evaluate student work based on pre-defined criteria, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling accuracy. These tools can also analyse essays and written assignments for coherence, fluency, and clarity.

Intelligent tutoring systems

Generative AI can also provide one-on-one tutoring support for students. These intelligent tutoring systems use AI algorithms to assess student performance and provide customised feedback and support. They can adapt to individual student needs, offering a personalised learning experience that can improve learning outcomes.

Data analysis

Generative AI can analyse large sets of student data, providing insights into student performance and learning outcomes. These insights can help teachers identify areas of strength and weakness in their teaching, adjust their instruction methods, and provide targeted support to students who need it most.

9. How can teachers stay informed about the latest developments in generative AI for education

To stay updated on the latest developments in generative AI for education, teachers can participate in workshops and webinars/ conferences or access online resources such as courses, tutorials, and open-source software libraries.

We recommend some balanced resources for thinking about and considering AI, such as "Rebooting AI" by Gary Marcus, "The Alignment Problem" by Brian Christian, and Sam Altman's "Moore's Law for Everything".

10. Can generative AI replace human teachers?

No, generative AI cannot replace human teachers. While generative AI can provide valuable tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning, it cannot replace the human element of teaching, such as building relationships with students, providing emotional support, and adapting to individual student needs. Generative AI should be seen as a complement to human teaching, not a replacement.


Generative AI offers numerous benefits in education, such as fostering creativity, critical thinking, and valuable technical skills. However, it's essential to consider its limitations and encourage responsible use of generative AI in learning and teaching.

With teaching, using generative AI will help educators offload the repetitive tasks that takes up too much time that can be used to provide higher value engagements with their students.

By integrating generative AI into the curriculum, teachers can provide students with hands-on experiences and prepare them for the future.

Also, it's vital to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and resources to stay ahead of the curve. ;) 


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