Can Conversational AI Be The Cure for Mass Education's Problems?

August 29, 2022 4 min
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Many people think of conversational AI as the next big thing. Technology has already made its way into our homes, offices and cars. But can it be used to help mass education? The answer is yes! There are several reasons why we should consider implementing conversational AI in schools around the world:

AI tutors can support our human tutors and educators constantly overwhelmed with other tasks.

The other notable benefit of AI tutors is their ability to support human tutors and educators who are constantly overwhelmed with other tasks. It's been found that 71% of teachers feel overworked and underappreciated. Further research on this theme suggests that this lack of time can impact the quality of education by causing teachers to spend less time planning lessons or correcting student assignments; this means students are receiving less one-on-one attention from their instructors, which could negatively influence their performance in school.

AI tutors could help solve this problem by allowing educators to focus on what they do best: teaching. By providing students with individualised instruction and feedback at their own pace, automated learning platforms will enable educators to mentor more students than they would be able to if they were only focusing on those who required immediate attention (the ones who were falling behind).

AI provides immediate feedback so that students know whether they are right or wrong.

The most significant advantage of AI is that it can provide immediate feedback. You do not have to wait for the teacher or your fellow students to tell you if you are right or wrong. In some cases, the AI will use a combination of methods to ensure that students get all the necessary information through visual, auditory or textual cues. This means that even if someone doesn't understand what they're reading in their native language, they can still get assistance from a machine that uses multiple modes of communication and ways to show information visually - something that would be challenging for teachers who only speak one language (and may lack proficiency with other methods).

Another advantage of AI is its ability to scale up quickly as demand increases without having human resources expand accordingly; however, this should not come at the cost of quality education since there is still room for human interaction within these systems - especially when it comes down knowing how your student works best!

AI enables students to interact with tutors as if they were a person.

AI enables students to interact with tutors as if they were a person. This is done using natural language processing, machine learning and other technologies.

Natural language processing allows AI to understand the context of your words and respond appropriately. For example, if a student asks, “How do I create a formula?” The tutor could say, “You can use =SUM() to add up numbers together” or “You can use =COUNT() to count how many items there are in a list”, depending on which question was asked; this kind of interaction would not be possible without NLP technology.

Machine learning algorithms are used by the tutor to learn from past conversations with students so that it knows how best to respond when someone asks specific questions again in future sessions (e.g., what questions can be answered without referring back to textbooks). Additionally, this helps ensure that all responses are relevant – which wouldn't necessarily be possible through natural language alone!

Voice recognition software allows tutors not only to hear what students are saying but also to know who is asking each question so that relevant information about them (e.g., previous grades) can be accessed at any time during their session together."

AI can teach individual students depending on their level of understanding in real time.

Since the AI will adapt to a student’s level of understanding and pace, it can also adapt to their learning style. Compared to traditional education, where a teacher might impose a particular learning style on all students regardless of what works best for them, conversational AI can be customised to each student’s needs.

For example, if you have a student who learns best by watching lectures (visual learner), you can use this information as part of your lesson plan. You would show them videos or diagrams during class instead of just explaining things verbally. If they learn better when they practice the material themselves (kinesthetic learners), then perhaps they could work through an exercise at home before coming back to class so that they can explain it from their own experiences rather than being told how everything should go.

AI is equipped with data from millions of previous conversations to know what questions to ask and what answers to give.

AI is equipped with data from millions of previous conversations and knows what questions to ask and what answers to give.

This means that if you want to find out how many teaspoons are in a cup, the system will be able to understand your question and provide an answer based on any information it has been given before.

AI can be used to help children with special needs.

AI can be used to help children with special needs. For example, a child who is deaf or hard of hearing will learn to speak more clearly using a speech-to-text program. A child with learning disabilities may benefit from an adaptive learning program that allows the student to repeat lessons at their own pace, to improve their understanding of the material. AI can also help children with autism learn social skills and become more independent - for example, by assisting them in finding directions or navigating unfamiliar places independently.

With advancements in technology and education, conversational AIs have become better at delivering results than humans.

In the past, students would be taught by a teacher, and it was up to the student to absorb all the information. Nowadays, with technology improving exponentially, students can receive personalised lessons from their AI teachers.

In addition to being better at delivering results than humans, conversational AIs also have several advantages over their human counterparts:

  • They can provide consistent results and experience for every student. Before, if you had a particularly challenging teacher or were in an underperforming school district where teachers weren't as experienced or skilled as others (or vice versa), your education would suffer. With AIs supporting teachers in this task entirely, however—and having no prejudice towards which students they teach—they can provide more consistent results across each type of classroom environment.

The takeaway 

The future of education is here, and it’s called conversational AI. With this technology, we can provide students with more personalised instruction while also reducing the burden on educators by providing them with valuable feedback that they can use to improve their teaching methods. This advancement will help us create a better world where everyone has access to an education regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.

Contact us if you need more information on quality education and want to implement AI in your education system, or schedule a demo today.