5 Ways to Make Learning Sticky With an AI Tutor

December 20, 2022 4 min
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Learning is one of the most important and enjoyable parts of life. It's how we grow, how we cultivate new skills, and how we expand our minds. But learning can be hard -- especially if you're not sure what to focus on or how to approach a problem. An AI tutor can help students learn more efficiently, understand more deeply, and achieve their goals faster than ever before!

"Give me a quick review"

This is the most obvious use of AI in educational technology, but it's also one of the most helpful.

Many students struggle with retaining the information they’ve learned in class, especially if they don’t have a good system for reviewing it later on. AI can help students review what they’ve learned using a bookmarking tool that tracks their progress over time or simply by employing an optimised, personalised learning experience that allows them to review what they need to learn next (and nothing else).

"This module is challenging to study on my own. Please help me!"

The second way an AI tutor can make learning stick is by helping students when they get stuck. In school, students often have classes where they study independently. When students are on their own for a few days, teachers aren’t always able to check in with them about how things are going or which questions they might be having trouble with.

It can also be difficult for students to know what questions they should be asking themselves while they study because they don’t know what questions will help them learn better or faster than others.  This is especially true when it comes time for assessments or tests!

An AI tutor like ours would work with students at different points throughout the learning journey based on what has already been learned and where there might still be gaps in their knowledge base (not everyone learns at the same pace). We would use our data analytics platform, which analyses each student's progress throughout the class with open-ended, closed-ended, and more until we find out exactly where there are gaps in their understanding so that we can recommend specific learning plans tailored just for them.

"I'm stuck... help!"

Students may need to take a break from learning to explore new topics. With an AI tutor, students can follow a recommended learning pathway curated by their course lecturers or seek specific questions about the covered subject. These features help all learners gain confidence in their learning process, understand more, and do more.

"I still don't understand the topic. Talk to me in a way I'd understand."

One of the best ways to make learning stick is by talking with your students in their language. Some students learn faster than others, and some need more help, so speaking to them using terms they understand is essential. With an AI tutor, educators can curate knowledge bases and adjust difficulty levels based on each student’s needs. The AI tutor can also be programmed to use a variety of metaphors and analogies for different types of learners, such as visual and auditory learners. The AI tutor can be set up to use humour or sarcasm to keep students engaged with their lessons—and when it comes down to it, sometimes a good joke is precisely what you need!

Finally, an AI tutor should always provide visual and audio aids (such as images) along with written instructions so that students understand better how everything works together before moving on from one topic to another.

"I get excited when I see myself succeed with your help. Help me keep track of my progress and celebrate my wins."

A personalised AI tutor will keep track of your progress and celebrate your wins.

I’m sure you can relate to the excitement of learning something new and seeing yourself get better at it. And with an AI tutor, students can look back on their past sessions to see how well they were doing and celebrate their achievements by earning virtual badges.

The importance of keeping track of learner progress shouldn’t be underestimated — it helps keep students motivated, which is crucial when trying to create long-lasting habits like studying more regularly or setting aside time for self-care (like getting enough sleep).

You might think this kind of technology would only be helpful for younger students who are still developing their learning style preferences; however, even adults benefit from having a digital companion who encourages them along the way!

The AI tutor can be set up to provide learning outcomes before each lesson plan begins, so students know what to expect when starting a new topic. This gives them an idea about what they might need help with and allows them to prepare accordingly before class starts — meaning there's less confusion later down the road!

AI tutors can help you learn - if they do these five things! 

First and foremost, it is vital that AI tutors need to be able to monitor and adjust their teaching style.

They also need to be able to provide individualised feedback and recommendations based on how you’re learning or what you’ve already learned.

AI learning assistants must be able to track your progress, allowing them to adapt their lessons accordingly and suggest resources that will help fill any gaps in your knowledge base.

AI tutors should ensure that educators are constantly in the loop on their students' learning progress. Information gathered from the feedback loop can help teachers better prepare for their face-to-face lessons and track students who may require more help than others. So, an intelligent AI tutor could bridge this gap by serving as both mentor/teacher and friend/colleague!

Finally, we must recognise that an effective virtual tutor must respect our privacy and ensure we know exactly where all our data is stored online! After all, if there aren't any protections put into place beforehand, no one would ever trust such an application again!


So, there you have it—five ways to make learning sticky with an AI tutor. Your students will be engaged and excited to learn—and they’ll learn more effectively than ever before! The best part is that these five strategies can easily be adapted to any subject and age range. If you’re looking for more information on how AI can help your business or school, click on the button below to get started!